Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dept of State responds to letter

Here is the response to the letter that was sent to Condelezza Rice to all members of Congress.
It does not sound like we can expect an interim agreement before Vietnam asseeds to the Hague Convention. In fact, they are stating that this process could take several years. You can read the actual letter here:


I will be anxious to see what our agency has to say about this. There is also a quarterly meeting our agency rep is to be attending I believe tomorrow. I sure wish they would make a final announcement already so everyone can make much needed decisions and move on.


Sandra & Steve said...

oops, I'm one of those who forgot to leave her email address
sanweese@yahoo.com for the password if you are so inclined, thanks.

Kelli said...

I am very anxious about the meeting tomorrow. I hope something is put in writing so we all know what to expect.