Monday, August 18, 2008

As the deadline approaches.......

I am interested in seeing what other Vietnam waiting families are going to do as the deadline approaches. I just really do not understand why there has not been more communication on this issue. My heart is really going out to the families who are waiting on their DIA letter. If you are out there reading, how are you doing? Email me or leave me a comment, or if you want your comment to be protected, you can click on the other website and leave it there! Just wondering where every one's thoughts are.


Anonymous said...

there was no information given during the last closer. We where told, it would only be closed for a short amount of time. It turned out to be 3 years.

Anonymous said...

We feel the same way...we are waiting to make our change as per the 9/01/08 deadline and see what our agency says. To me it looks like they have a lot to sort out.It is such a shame for the children and for the couples. We have lost so much emotionally and financially. We need to take a breath and decide what we want to do. I have spoken to so many agencies and adoptive couples, our concern is now this is going to continue through all countries that are not Hague approved so it is going to get harder to adopt internationally and longer. We are an older couple so we don't have many choices.Its been a very draining time for us but I am gratefult to have such a wonderful husband to help me through all of this. I hope they figure the program out a lot quicker than the last time for the sake of the children. I also hope they find as many of the baby traffickers and stop them, we would never have wanted to adopt a child that was stolen or bought so I am grateful I don't have that to weigh heavy on my heart along with all the rest.

Kelli said...

Still hangin' in there....

Ann said...

still hanging in also, too much communication with a possible new intern agreement. so wait and see mode for now.

LaLa said...

This whole situation is just so sad. We did receive our referral on Friday after a 21 month wait but I of course will not breathe easy until we are there and back. I am so sad for all the families waiting.

Kate said...

MELANIE--Our agency has tod us that the program will shut down on 9/1/08 and that the closure will be at least as long as the last one.We have bben advised to start up a new adoption with a different country and are moving in that direction they have said that if by some miracle Vietnam does come to some 12th hr agreement that they will honor their current waiting list but they are not at al optimistic---I am heartbroken but finding the strength to continue I will not give up this dream--- Kate

Jackie42 said...

I think a lot of people are just trying not to think about the consequences of not getting the DIA letter. I've heard that the DIA office only has four people working in it so how could they get all these letters out in time.
Our agency is trying to get 14 letters out; imagine that times 42 agencies and that's only for the U.S. Although the other international adoptions outside the US are not on the same deadline, I'm sure they require attention too. Basically this whole thing is a nightmare. Jackie

a said...

I found your blog while searching for adoption experiences, and I've been reading for a couple of months now. My husband and I are currently in the process of domestic adoption.
In the time I have been reading, I've been amazed at your strength and faith. I was getting frustrated with feeling so up in the air this morning, and then I started about you and how you have faced such a long challenge with grace.
Thanks for being an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

We are starting to research some other agencies and programs. Our agency has nothing else but China, and we don't qualify for another year. We are also looking about some potential homemade solutions ;) but haven't made any final decisions. And of course I am praying to the point my knees are bruised that this may still happen. Take care!