Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Time to speak out!

Okay, everyone--- everyone waiting to travel, everyone waiting for referral, everyone who has brought their babies home, friends and family--- we need your help. It is time to speak up to our Senators and State representatives to let them know what is going on in Vietnam. Go here to this link and click on "how to help". Find your senator and state representative and send them a web letter or a mailed letter. There are letter samples you can simply download to microsoft word and send on its way. We need to make the government aware of our concerns and urge them to not penalize the waiting families or the babies while they determine a means of agreement. Maybe if our voices will be heard they will consider what it is doing to all the families and children and let things go back to the way they were when things were running smoothly.

1 comment:

Jessica and Eddie said...

Im working on this now--Should we send the letter to DC?