Sunday, March 2, 2008

What is it like to be a mommy?

I have asked myself this question many times. It is often something one takes for granted. When you have tried for so long to accomplish the one thing in your life you just know you are cut out for and then one road block after another puts you 14 years down the road asking the same question. I wonder what it is like to have my own baby to hold whenever I want, instead of "borrowing" someones else's baby for a short time. I wonder what it is like to hear the word "Mommy" and have my heart simply melt into a puddle of mush. What is it like to reach into a crib and see the face of an angel? What does it feel like to teach your daughter about why birds sing and why the sun shines? I wonder what it will be like to hold my own child's hand and know it is forever. I wonder what it is like to get that kiss goodnight. I wonder what it is like to have soulful eyes look deep into yours and trust you will all her might. What will my heart feel the first time I see her face? How much will it hurt to have to punish her for something she did wrong? How will it feel the first time she tells me that she learned about Jesus? How will I know how to be a good mommy to her? What is it like to have your own child? All I do know is that I simply cannot wait to hold this child and tell her how much I love her and that this love is for keeps and I will never let go. I do know that I will fall on my knees before God the Father and thank Him for His perfect plan for my life to adopt Kaylee and thank Him for the awesome privilege to be called Kaylee's Mommy.


angie said...

wow!! that was beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully said!
I wonder about these things all the time. I teach kindergarten and wonder what it will be like to actually have a child who wants me at the end of the day. Thanks again for your inspiration!

Allison (Eli's mommy)